Saturday, 28 December 2013

Quote for today.~

To all my fellow People. This quote is a principle in life. You give as you take. A lot of us want things, we want favour, we want blessings, we want things to go our way in our time but really what does GOD  want from US? 

What do you go to church for? For your own benefit and the satisfaction of feeling holy and right with God? Why do you pray? Only for God to meet your needs and for your life to be going your way? 

Are you souled out? 

Do you place GOD ABOVE? 

That's not only means praying and worshipping. It means do you let his decisions rule over yours? Does Gods opinions matter more in your life than people's or yours? Are your expectations in alignment with GOD? #pauseForThought

It is good to know who the God is that we serve, know that he can do anything. By that It means ANYTHING! But... Will we do anything for him? Are we living above average? Are we any different to any of our unsaved friends and if so how? The balance between your faith and your actions has to be right, don't always EXPECT without DOING ; don't always DO without EXPECTING! 


Sunday, 22 December 2013


Hallelujah, salvation and Glory, honour and power into The Lord our God. 

Revelation 19:1

Also read vs 1-10. Praise Jesus the King!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Joyce Meyer Quote:

One way to change your thinking: Pray this, "God, make me aware every time I’m thinking wrong thoughts. Don't let me just sit around and think stupid stuff. Make me aware when I’m thinking bad thoughts."

Monday, 16 December 2013

LICF invites you to a warm, exciting Christmas with them!


Gods Love never Fails <3

Love Never Fails.

1 Corinthians13:1-11

Love is stronger than hate. The greatest commandment God gives us is to Love him with all our heart and and second greatest commandment is to love our neighbour more than we love ourselves. (Matt 22:37&38). Why would God make such an emphasis on Love? Well because TRUE love never ends. 

And this is not only in the bible that we see the power of love. When we look at the life of Mandela he had the ability to Love those who hated him and treated him like dirt, and ability to over-ride all this and Love them despite what they said or did to him. He could of chosen to let his hurt, anger and self pity let build up as he sat in his prison cell for 27 years but yet  the decision to forgive, let go and love made him one of the most heroic figures of this generation.

We all Love Mandela and what he did. But the truth is many of us don't understand love. Its a characteristic and fruit of the spirit that many people including some 'Christians' Lack today. Love has been misrepresented by other people, by social media and song lyrics and by peoples imagination and own idea of what they THINK love is. You cant truely love until you go to the creator of Love and gain a deeper understanding of what HE intended love to be. 

What is LOVE?

Love is not a feeling. 'Feeling' something and that something actually truly being there is different. Love is a CHOICE you make. Feelings come and go but true love does last forever. and if you don't believe that, the fact that you are alive is an example of Gods Love to us. Love is not something you should have to pray for , especially as a Christian. It should come naturally in your heart. BUT it is possible to be a Christian and not Love. People love those who love them. But Jesus along with many other great leaders love those who curse them, backstab them and hurt them. That is AGAPE love. 

Yes, you can tell when someone loves you. It is obvious, they stick with you at all times no matter what happens BUT, the truth is people WILL betray you. People Betrayed Jesus. Jesus very own betrayed him. Is it easy to just love people who are down right evil towards us, no. However, when you accept Jesus into your life, Gods grace in you overrides when people abuse, use, misuse you and allows you to be free and happy. 1Corinthians 13:1-3 is telling us that we can speak in tongues, sing gospel, serve, preach and be gifted but NOT have love. The truth is we need to focus on this topic more. We are not designed to carry hatred, it is like a Christian malfunction. Why do we struggle with this concept so much? Simply because it is one of Gods greatest gifts to us, and with it so much in this world can be helped, healed and restored.

Another example to leave in your thoughts:  Why do we talk more about Martin Luther King, than we do Malcom X?

If you struggle with anger or hate for other people I encourage you to read about Love in the Bible. The Word of God is true and the Truth will set you free.

Please note: These notes are taken and inspired by my Amazing Pastors teaching On Wednesday the 11th of December 2013 at our weekly Bible Study. If you would like to purchase the Audio disk ( And i strongly advise that you do) please visit  or our website on and also Please LIKE our page, and follow us at  Thank you <3


Sunday, 8 December 2013

Making a good thing out a Bad situation

Teaching by : Pastor L Maddix on 8/12/2013
Scripture: Acts:16:16-26

The human mind and spirit have been designed to think and to do. God designed the body to fight or to flight when it comes under attack.

A lot of us need to take advice and listen to wiser people. At the same time, people in higher authority such as parents need to prepare their children from young. Train them up. Teach your children respect, honour and life lessons like how to look after themselves and the house because one day they WILL grow up and need to deal with life difficulties. Equipt your children so that they can deal with those difficulties better.

Many people don't like to face their issues. For example then all the bills seem to be coming in you cant hide them in your drawers because the truth is that bill will still need to be paid and by hiding, chances are the issue will escalate and become worse. Don't hide your problems, Deal with them.

The truth is, Gifts are great and we all have some sort of gift but we need Character. Respect, and Honour for example are very admirable characteristics. You can have a Gifted fool.

What you think and what the people around you think is important. Don't be a negative thinking and  complaining person. Don't hang around people who complain and are always negative because some people are assigned to suck you out with their sinking thinking. Be aware because these people are not assets but are Liabilities.

On YOU have the ability to change. You can change just by changing how you think. You can just rely on fasting and prayer for EVERYTHING you also need to DO the word.
If you THINK poor, you will always BE poor. If you THINK you are unattractive you will BEhave like an unattractive person. If you wake up and THINK that it is or will be a horrible day you will have a horrible day.

"Our Lives is what our thoughts make it."-Marcus Aurelious

We need a Cause. People without a cause or a purpose stay average, normal and mediocre. Look at the life of Nelson Mandela, Walk Disney, Steve Jobs and many other great people. We are each individually designed by God for a specific cause. Not everyones cause is the same. 

Malcom X said "If you dont stand for something, you will fall for anything.

Looking back at Mandela, the more they tried to break him and his spirit the more his dream and spirit grew. As you become a Christian you become a life changer. When you come to Christ you have to throw away everything you have ever known. 

The manufacturer always knows better than the product. God is our Manufacturer and we are his product. He knew us before we were formed in our Mums womb. (Jer29:11) God will never grace you with something that you cant Handle. Its all in your Mind. We can't be jealous of the person who has more because they probably have the ability to handle a certain something better than we do. Its time to start making a good thing out of every Bad situation. This is the season for Status Change. Be inspired :)

These notes are taken from my Amazing Pastors teaching On Sunday the 8th of December 2013 at our weekly Bible Study. If you would like to purchase the Audio disk please visit  or our website on and also Please LIKE our page, and follow us at  Thank you <3

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Let Go, Let God.

REPOST- Let God Father you!

Let God Father You

We are living in a world where everyone is looking for a Father figure whether male or female. God made it so that an ideal family would have a father and a mother to show order and bring stability in the home. Even the Holy Trinity is composed of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit displaying order. A father figure nowadays is so important for our young women as well as for our young men. But often times in many cases the fathers are absent for one reason or the other not realizing the damage it causes not only to the mothers who have to be both  father and mother but also to the children involved.

A father is not only someone whose sperm unites with and egg resulting in the conception of a child! That is not where his role ends!! in fact that is where his role begins.A father is not only a man that acknowledges his responsibilities but it is a man that would go to any length to ensure  his family is safe ,lead his family as God leads him and above all show the fatherly love that every son and daughter so long for.

Many young men longed to hear their dad say "Well Done Son! I knew you could do it" whilst young woman longed to hear "You are beautiful and you'll always be my little princess". But unfortunately many young men and young women never got to hear these sentences that many others raised by their father as well as their mother take for granted.
And when that happens we see many young men walking around with no confidence in themselves not understanding what respect is and how to earn it searching and yearning for that fatherly love in anything as long as it looks like it's the real thing; and because of that they'll go to any length to fill that void inside of them  I.e gangs,being womanizers jumping from one woman to another and many more length seeking affection, acceptance, a sense of purpose and respect.

Many young women struggle with low self-esteem seeking for someone to affirm them as long as they feel accepted and valued. Leading to too many being lead astray, being lured to love and be loved by someone that doesn't even know what love is and how to show it instead they'll show you what they think love is.

If you're out there and you've grown without a father and have experienced the feelings above. You are not alone! There are many people out there suffering and hurting and I was one of them!

Psalm 68:5a says that God is "a Father to the Fatherless". If you're looking for a father that will fill this void inside you that only God can and that will love you Let God Father You!

I've been there, seen it and I know what you're going through! Let me share a little  testimony!

I'm the oldest of three, I have two brothers and I was raised by my mum!
My mum miscarried before she had me and  when she got pregnant with me my dad wanted me aborted and did not want to have anything to do with the pregnancy; born two months early with my mum suffering from preeclampsia thank God my mum and I made it!.
My dad then left my mum with three children age 5, 3 and 6 months.At the age of 29 she was left with three children! Thank God she was saved and allowed God in.
From a young age I felt rejected and unloved by the one who should have been there for me! Comfort me when I'm crying, tell me how beautiful I was and how much he loved me. Instead of that when my dad was supposed to come and see us we'd wait for him excited and looking forward to seeing him then we would have the harsh news from my mum "Sorry Darlings, Daddy said that He couldn't make it" or in other instances he would send his girlfriends to drop our Christmas presents or occasionally on our birthday if he remembered.
Growing up I suffered from low self-esteem.Never thought I was beautiful enough or good enough always felt rejected somehow even though I was surrounded by a caring and loving family. 
Then last year where God made me realize that I was so busy looking for a father figure and fatherly love in man,in positions and places that I hardly paid attention or even asked God who is love to father me, love me and fill this void inside.1 John 4:8 (NIV version) says Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
I was so hungry for God, tired of being disappointed by people that I went down on my knees and asked God to reveal to me what His love is and for God to father me.

And the revelation of God's love wasn't only  made clearer through revelations of who he is but it was as if a void inside of me had been filled with a feeling of security, warmth,confidence and love that I had never felt or even experienced before; and as I grow in God daily, He keeps on showering me with his love.

One thing God made realize is that as the bible says  in Hebrews 13:8 " Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever"God does not change!.Which means that God's love is unconditional, irrespective of your condition.Whatever you do God loved,loves and will always love. So by you putting your confidence, your self-esteem and your trust in Him,regardless of what you do His mind about you remains the same. But men we change like the weather, we love you conditionally in respective of your condition.One day we'll hype you and be on your side, but the next day if you mess up we start looking at you funny and our attitude towards you changes.

Let it encourage you! Sisters!!!Stop selling yourself short and chasing everything you think is love or looks like love but chase the one who is the definition of Love itself!Let Him father you! Let him show you your worth! Let him tell you "You are beautiful and you'll always be my little princess". He will fill that void in your heart and love you the way you truly deserve. Not only will he show you how to be loved but he'll show you how to love

Brothers! It's time to man up and stop trying to earn respect and love without knowing the one who is Love itself! The one who will teach you how to respect, be respected, the one who will always tell you  "Well Done Son! I knew you could do it"  the one who will fill the void of that fatherly love that you've always longed for!! He can do it brothers! I know He can!!

Let it be an encouragement to you all!! If God did it for me He can do it for you too!

All you have to do is let him in!